These Are Our Bodies: Young Adult Leader Guide

Talking Faith & Sexuality at Church & Home

Heidi J. A. Carter, Marcus G. Halley

Oct/2017, 176 Pages, Paperback, 8.5 x 11

ISBN-13: 9780898690262



Faith formation resource for young adults on human sexuality.

Our inherent value and worth comes from God’s love for us, but our modern world is filled with sexual expression that too often leads us away from the life of Christ. As Christians seeking to live a life worthy of our calling and desiring to pass along these values to our children and youth, these books (Leader Guide and Participant Book) offer session plans with activities for Young Adults (ages 18–30) to explore issues of sexuality in the context of our faith, building on the foundational book of the same name and as part of the These Are Our Bodies program resource.

Session topics include: • Holiness • Intimacy • Covenant • Love • Biology • Communication • What is Sacred? • Power and Parity • Mind, Body, and Soul • Brokenness and Shame • Our Bodies: Currency and Creators

HEIDI J. A. CARTER currently serves as the Lay Minister Associate at St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Kansas City, Missouri. Ms. Carter has served numerous task forces in the Episcopal Church regarding human sexuality. With more than 25 years of experience in Christian formation focused on youth and adults, she is a past president of Forma and once diocesan formation leader. She also serves as the Director of Consultant Services for LeaderResources.

MARCUS GEORGE HALLEY serves as College Chaplain and Dean of Spiritual and Religious Life at Trinity College in Hartford, CT. A 2015 graduate of the School of Theology at Sewanee: the University of the South, he has returned to his alma mater to pursue a Doctor of Ministry, focusing his studies on liturgy and discipleship as the seedbed for revival and renewal. His vocational interests lie at the intersection of mission, liturgy, discipleship, and justice. He lives in Stratford, CT.

"The topics of both faith and sexuality are center-most with young adults. These Are Our Bodies for Young Adults is an excellent resource that provides a comprehensive, yet very approachable step-by-step process that both engages and educates young adults about human sexuality in the context of their faith. This book is an incredibly valuable resource for anyone walking with young adults as they discern who they are as God's beloved."––The Rt. Rev. Brian N. Prior, Bishop, Episcopal Church in Minnesota

"Carter and Halley have produced a curriculum that is not shy. Young adults carry background noise from churches and cultures about sexuality, and the authors are refreshingly frank in their assessment. At the same time this curriculum creates a sense of spaciousness. They make room for diverse experiences and expressions of sexuality and gender, and room for biblical and soulful reflection. Young adults today hunger for the honest conversations this resource could bring about."––The Reverend Mike Angell, Rector, Episcopal Church of the Holy Communion, St. Louis, Missouri

"The beautiful consistency and clarity provided in the Leader Guide and the Participant Book offer participants an entry for sharing and listening for the love of God while talking about sexuality. College students in my ministry reported feeling released from the shame that had previously existed in conversations related to sex and faith. I commend Heidi and Marcus for this wonderful resource!"––Myra B. Garnes, Canon for Youth and Young Adults, Episcopal Diocese of Long Island

"This is a wonderfully written discussion guide for anyone wanting to begin conversations with young adults about our bodies as sacred, holy, and life-giving vessels. It presents topics that are important to all of us, but in particular to young adults as continue to explore what it means to be a faithful adult in today's context. The Leader's Guide and Participant's Book are filled with helpful resources, suggested readings, and topics for possible further discussion."––The Reverend Shannon Kelly, Officer for Young Adult and Campus Ministries for The Episcopal Church

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