Click2Save Reboot

The Digital Ministry Bible

Elizabeth Drescher, Keith Anderson

Church Publishing

Mar/2018, 208 Pages, Paperback, 6 x 9

ISBN: 9780898690316



A "reboot" of a popular and practical how-to guide for leaders bridging digital social media and parish ministry.

Revised and updated, Click2Save REBOOT covers the increasing sophistication and importance of mobile computing and leads readers through the changes and additions to social media platforms that are currently shaping how we communicate with, connect with—and can offer Christ-centered care to—one another: Facebook and Twitter, at the center of the first edition, have changed dramatically. Instagram, Pinterest, Snapchat, etc. have made images and video much more central.

Innovative, often sophisticated voices are overtaking the blog form. Podcasting has become elegant and accessible to the masses through SoundCloud and similar hosting platforms, while Pokémon Go popularized augmented reality—even sometimes leading players into churchyards in their hunt. From their research and personal experience, the authors offer guidance on coping with—and getting the most out of—this evolving revolution.

Elizabeth Drescher is adjunct associate professor of religion and pastoral ministry at Santa Clara University and a highly regarded speaker and writer on everyday religion and spirituality. Her doctorate, from the Graduate Theological Union, is in Christian spirituality, and a master's degree in systematic theology from Duquesne University. She is the author of Tweet If You (Heart) Jesus: Practicing Church in the Digital Reformation and Choosing Our Religion: The Spiritual Lives of America's Nones. She lives with her family in Northern California’s Silicon Valley.

Keith Anderson is the author of The Digital Cathedral: Networked Ministry in a Wireless World and a recognized thought leader across mainline denominations on the ways congregations and ministries faithfully minister in a digitally-integrated world. He is a highly regarded speaker on new media and Christian life at conferences, convocations, and consultations. He lives in Ambler, Pennsylvania.

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